Energy Profiling – Data Sheet

Cost management for Derwentside Homes


This service is targeted at local authorities, housing associations and large stock holders to help manage the energy efficiency of your domestic dwellings. It also meets your statutory energy reporting requirements. Our team of professionals can migrate your asset data into an approved BRE process engine, designed to calculate the energy performance of dwellings in accordance with the Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP).


Capturing this information allows us to create a sophisticated energy stock profile with the functionality to:

  • Model a range of investment scenarios to demonstrate the most cost-effective method of achieving your energy and CO2 reduction targets.
  • Store all of your energy data in a central location where it can be easily managed and maintained.
  • Issue, record and maintain Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for all your dwellings.
  • Filter dwellings based on specific criteria to develop bespoke programmes of work e.g. energy band rating, archetype and age etc.
  • Identify measures to eliminate fuel poverty.
  • Evidence your statutory reporting requirements e.g. average SAP ratings and stock profiles etc.
  • Benchmark your energy statistics against the performance of other social landlords.
  • Drive your asset management strategy and business plan.
  • Assist with Decent Homes Assessments.
  • Maintain and improve the energy efficiency of your housing stock.


We have successfully delivered this service to several prominent housing associations within the UK and continue to maintain their energy databases on an ongoing service level agreement.

Our software is compatible with the leading asset management programmes common to this sector including Keystone, Northgate, Orchard and Codeman etc.

We also have the capability to generate average running costs for individual dwellings within your portfolio. We consider regional climate variances, actual occupancy, heating patterns, levels of electricity usage, cooking fuel, and microgeneration.

We can use default fuel prices based on the Sutherland Tables or enter custom values for unit prices of fuel and tariff standing charges. This information forms the basis of a robust energy procurement strategy which will
allow you to recognise the risks associated with different purchasing options i.e. locked, variable and long-term buying.

We have a team of Quantity Surveyors who specialise in procurement who are accustomed to engaging with both manufacturers and contractors to establish cost-effective supply chains for the installation of renewable energy within the housing sector.

We have successfully delivered a multitude of schemes which incorporate financial incentives ensuring our clients are aware of funding opportunities e.g. Feed in Tariffs (FITs), Renewable Heat Initiative (RHI) etc.

“Upgrades to the housing stock have saved on average 2,500 CO2 emissions per property and reduced fuel poverty by 8%” livin (Housing Association), based on December 2010 data”.