
3D Models

Elvet Chartered Surveyors are experienced in using AutoCAD Revit to create and model sophisticated 3D graphical elements using information captured using traditional measured surveys or using data extrapolated from existing point cloud information or 2D CAD drawings as a foundation. The ‘Level of Model Detail’ commonly referenced using the acronym LOD can be agreed with the client and can be further developed if required as a project progresses from inception to completion.

AutoCAD Revit facilitates the integration of intelligent elements and components, to support Building Information Modelling (BIM). Offering an accurate 3D digital representation of an asset facilitates the project team to explore and scrutinise the design to make informed and collaborative strategic decisions to ensure goals and objectives are achieved.

Other Measured Surveys services:

LOD 1: Brief

A model communicating the performance requirements and site constraints. Building models would be block models only.

LOD 2: Concept
LOD 3: Developed Design
LOD 4: Production
LOD 5: Installation
LOD 6: As Built
LOD 7: In Use

Elvet Chartered Surveyors are experienced in using AutoCAD Revit to create and model sophisticated 3D graphical elements using information captured using traditional measured surveys or using data extrapolated from existing point cloud information or 2D CAD drawings as a foundation. The ‘Level of Model Detail’ commonly referenced using the acronym LOD can be agreed with the client and can be further developed if required as a project progresses from inception to completion.

AutoCAD Revit facilitates the integration of intelligent elements and components, to support Building Information Modelling (BIM). Offering an accurate 3D digital representation of an asset facilitates the project team to explore and scrutinise the design to make informed and collaborative strategic decisions to ensure goals and objectives are achieved.



A model communicating the performance requirements and site constraints. Building models would be block models only.

LOD 1: Brief

A model communicating the performance requirements and site constraints. Building models would be block models only.

LOD 2: Concept
LOD 3: Developed Design
LOD 4: Production
LOD 5: Installation
LOD 6: As Built
LOD 7: In Use

Other Measured Surveys services: