
Expert Witness

Elvet Chartered Surveyors provide independent and unbiased professional opinions and fact-based evidence to resolve legal disputes in land, property and construction-related matters.

Our expert witness reports are compliant with both CPR (Civil Procedure Rules) Part 35 and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) code of practice.

We support our clients and their legal advisors by providing robust and auditable documentary evidence in an efficient and timely manner.

Where feasible we advocate and aim to reach an amicable out of court settlement for all parties; however, can provide expert testimony at a civil tribunal should a case escalate to court action.

We are accustomed to delivering the role of an expert witness for one client or representing all parties as a single joint expert (SJE), which delivers cost efficiencies.

As a multi-disciplined surveying practice, we can demonstrate professional competencies to support clients dealing with a varied range of disputes including but not limited to:

  • Housing Disrepair Claims
  • Defective Workmanship
  • Professional Negligence
  • Party Wall & Boundary Disputes
  • Building and Construction Contract Disputes

Elvet Chartered Surveyors provide independent and unbiased professional opinions and fact-based evidence to resolve legal disputes in land, property and construction-related matters.

Our expert witness reports are compliant with both CPR (Civil Procedure Rules) Part 35 and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) code of practice.

We support our clients and their legal advisors by providing robust and auditable documentary evidence in an efficient and timely manner.

Where feasible we advocate and aim to reach an amicable out of court settlement for all parties; however, can provide expert testimony at a civil tribunal should a case escalate to court action.

We are accustomed to delivering the role of an expert witness for one client or representing all parties as a single joint expert (SJE), which delivers cost efficiencies.

As a multi-disciplined surveying practice, we can demonstrate professional competencies to support clients dealing with a varied range of disputes including but not limited to:

  • Housing Disrepair Claims
  • Defective Workmanship
  • Professional Negligence
  • Party Wall & Boundary Disputes
  • Building and Construction Contract Disputes