Our initial brief was to complete feasibility studies on various potential development sites. In addition to preparing the cost plans, we were requested to appoint and manage the various consultants required to prepare outline designs.
After reviewing various options, a former Methodist Church in Sherburn Village, Durham was identified, as the first development site. Elvet were required to obtain planning permission and outlined building control approval for the site. This proved to be difficult for several reasons, mainly due to the site being located on the outskirts of the conservation area, which required extensive negotiations with local planners to ensure that not only did the design complement the surrounding area but was also cost effective.
Upon receipt of planning approval for the scheme, we were engaged to prepare a detailed cost plan required to obtain funding from banking institutes. This included projected cashflow to enable the client to agree drawdown facilities and to calculate their interest liability. At this point, we were asked to look at methods of reducing the construction period to reduce the overall interest payments.
Working closely with the design team and the client, we proposed a timber frame solution that could, subject to weather, have the entire frame for all seven houses constructed within a six-week period. The client accepted this proposal and we worked with their insurance providers, consultants and finance company to ensure that the scheme was viable for all parties.
Rather than passing the risk of delivering the project to a Principal Contractor, the client procured materials directly from the supply chain and engaged the workforce as labour only. In effect the client wished to deliver the site as the Principal Contractor, accepting more of the risk to achieve greater returns.
Elvet were engaged as the lead consultant to deliver the project appointed as the Construction Manager under the JCT Construction Management form of contract to procure the materials and subcontractors on behalf of the client including the site management.
Due to the nature of the scheme, we offered the full suite of our services during the project, which included:
Project Management
- Delivered the pre-construction phase
- Obtained regulatory approvals i.e. planning permission, building control
- Organised utilities
- Appointed as the Construction Manager responsible for managing the works
- Ensuring regulatory approvals during the construction phase
- Premier Guarantee approval
- Robust details approval
- Procurement of the design team
- Quality Control
Quantity Surveying
- Pre-construction cost plans
- Procurement of the subcontractors and materials
- Ordering materials for all trades
- Subcontractor payments
- Cost plans and cashflows necessary for finance drawdowns
SAP Assessment / EPCs
- Pre-construction assessment
- Post contract assessment
- Energy Performance Certificates
CDM Coordinator
- Ensuring the client was aware of their H&S responsibilities
- Pre-construction information
- F10 notices
- Construction phase health and safety plan
The first four properties were completed in January 2016, with the new homeowners moving in February 2016. The remaining properties are due to be finished once potential buyers have been identified, as the client wishes to provide the perspective owners choices of tiling etc.